Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fire Drill

Remember the fire drills at our office.

Well this was just another fine day in office when the alarm rang and the entire populace in SDB6 got down at their own pace singing songs and talking about the news. It would have taken more than 15 mins to evacuate the building.

The person in charge of the drill put in some smart ass comments about the lethargic reaction of the group. And then he started demonstrating the use of the fire extinguisher. After giving us a brief instruction on how to use the equipment he started looking out for a volunteer to operate the fire extinguisher on a dummy fire. And whom did he choose.... the tiniest creature standing in the first row - Vani.

Vani did step up but what followed was just too hilarious. Vani couldn't even lift the fire extinguisher, let alone operating it :) The instructor did patiently wait for Vani to help herself but to no avail and he eventually had to lift the extinguisher himself and Vani just operated the nozzle :D

Remember that Romit? Funny!!

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